Nuclear Waste Services
Nuclear Waste Services currently hosts the following courses within their Institution.
If you already have an account on the eLearning Network and are looking to access any of the courses below, then please contact us to request access.
1. Overview of Radioactive Waste Management
This course provides an overview of Nuclear Waste Services which was known as Radioactive Waste Management Limited (RWM), its role in undertaking the development of a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) for the long-term management of radioactive wastes, and how it provides support to Site Licence Companies (SLC’s) and waste packagers in the management of radioactive waste.
2. Overview of the Disposability Assessment Process
This course provides an overview of the Radioactive Waste Management Limited (RWM) Disposability Assessment process developed to ensure waste is managed safely and appropriately, as well as being packaged in accordance with future Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) requirements.
3. Waste Container Training
This course explores the currently available waste containers which are suitable for Higher Activity Waste. The course provides key pieces of information for each waste container. The course also gives a brief overview of the Specification and Guidance documents and describes the process by which new waste and transport containers can be developed.
4. Managing Waste Package Records
This course provides an insight into what Waste Package Records are and how they are assessed for the packaging of Higher Activity Waste through the records approval process. The course also gives an overview of the ideal format the records should take to ensure they remain useable over a long period of time, and how they will be managed and stored securely in the long-term.
5. Waste Package Specification and Guidance
This course explores RWM’s suite of Waste Package Specification and Guidance Documentation (WPSGD) for the safe disposal of the UK’s radioactive waste. It provides the hierarchical structure of the documents, their function, how they should be used, and where to find them.